Ngupa - Himba Man Portrait - Klaus Tiedge Fine Art Wildlife Photography



The photograph by Klaus Tiedge (+01.07.2019) is continued to be available as open edition prints and will from now on be released as an estate print with an embossed signature of Klaus Tiedge and authorised by artist’s wife, Sandra Tiedge.

Ngupa – Himba Man Portrait

USD $600USD $990

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Portrait of an old Himba man taken in Namibia. Capturing this old man was a very memorable and unforgettable experience. Capturing this characteristic man with a backdrop and using my studio lighting which I carried with to the desert, allowed me to create a really unique and popular portrait and makes it a beautiful memory of the original people of Africa.

Although the edition is open, all artworks are personally approved and individually signed by the artist, Klaus Tiedge.





My curiosity for Africa hasn’t abated as I love to travel in Southern Africa.

One of these adventurous, far away from normal civilization travels took me to the Himba people in the far north of Namibia.

The Himba, Zemba and Herero are nomadic people who live in areas of Namibia which we Westerners would view as nothing other than dry land and dust and this has always fascinated me. They were just as captivated by my equipment as I was absorbed by their culture. Even though we could not understand each other as my translator remained busy with the chief to get permission to take pictures, we managed to communicate by body language. It was an incredible experience.

With the portraits I made, I want to preserve their original culture of the satisfied and primordial life these people still live whilst struggling to maintain control of their life and lands.


  • This image is available as an open edition print in different sizes.
  • If you prefer a different size than the one displayed, kindly send us your request by email.
  • The edition is open and therefore not limited on how many prints will be made available.
  • All artworks are approved by the artist’s wife, Sandra Tiedge on the back of the print.


  • As our standard we are using Giclee printing method on high quality archival fine art paper or photo paper e.g. Epson Cold/Hot Press paper.
  • If you are interested in other options like print on Canvas, Photo Paper or as a Diasec please contact us for a quote.


Only unframed prints qualify for FREE Delivery and shipping

  • We ship worldwide.
  • For international orders we ship with courier services such as DHL or Fedex within 3-10 working days with a door to door service.
  • For local orders we ship with courier company withing 3-4 working days.
  • Shipping charges may apply for special requests such as express service and shipping of framed/mounted artworks.
  • Kindly note, that although we will mark the artwork as an original piece of art, you might still be liable for customs payments for your country if applicable.

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