Returning to Kenya five years after filming Safari of my Life
I can’t believe it has been five years since we went to Kenya with Klaus to film “Safari of My Life.” I still think about it all the time, but never more than when I get bored with daily life. However, I do not necessarily miss the adventure of the trip; it is something else. […]
On Safari in South Africa – Krüger National Park
The morning of the 8th April 2022 we departed from Cape Town airport to Johannesburg. Our Kulula flight was cancelled the day before so we were put on a British Airways flight instead.After landing in Johannesburg we went straight to the car rental to take over the car we had pre-booked.To our great surprise we […]
Himba photographs background stories
A few years ago Klaus had travelled to the very north of Namibia in the so called Kunene region (Kaokoland) which is homeland to a number of Himba who still preserve a traditional lifestyle.
One million views for “Safari of my Life” on Youtube
“Safari of my Life” – a story of Klaus’ last safari to Kenya but also a beautiful wildlife documentary and a legacy of his photography and work was published to Youtube nearly a year ago and achieved 1 million views!!!! I like to say THANK YOU – and Dean has put together a Celebration Video […]
A perfect photo of a leopard & her cubs – Dignity 2
On that last day, word came she was hunting. We dropped whatever we were doing at the time and rushed to the location. By the time we arrived there, she had unsuccessfully attempted to hunt a Thomson gazelle and retreated to a tall tree with a view of the antelope herd. There she sat and […]
African Wildlife in motion
During our photo-safari in Kenya in March 2018, we stayed at this authentic and beautiful camp in the Masai Mara, Mara Ngenche. The Masai Mara is a beautiful place with abundance of wildlife sightings, big and small. This video clip is a beautiful summary of African Wildlife in motion.
Where can you find prints by photographer Klaus Tiedge?
Where can you find photography prints by photographer Klaus Tiedge? Where would you go to purchase one of his unique fine art prints?
Planning your day when out on safari
When going on safari you are mostly overexcited. You can’t wait to see lots of animals and might be disappointed if it doesn’t work out the way you planned. But is it advisable to plan your day when on safari?
A lesson in patience – family safari in the Mara Triangle
After Klaus had been on safari with Dean (editor and cameraman) and John (safari guide and driver) for more than two weeks it was time to spent some family time in the Masai Mara and go on safari together. We had moved camp to the amazing lodge “Angama Mara” located high up on the slopes […]
Family Safari morning
It was a cold and wet morning. The roads still flooded from the rain in the previous night. There we were on our first safari morning as a family in Kenya. The previous afternoon had already spoilt us with some amazing cheetah sightings. And now for sure the children were infected with the bush bug […]
Book – Pride of Africa
Klaus is very proud to have put his collection of stylised wildlife photographs into a book. The book featuring most of Klaus fine art prints is available to purchase directly from his website of via Amazon.
A career change – going into wildlife photography
Klaus had been a commercial photographer for over 20 years. Having worked for many well known photographers at the time and travelling to many countries worldwide for photo productions, he felt the desire to change direction of his career path again.
Conditions are not right while on safari ?
When Klaus went on safari he never missed a day of going out into the bush. He never spent a day in the tent hoping for better weather or great predictions where to find the animals. Klaus believed, the more you go out, the better the opportunities for a great shot.
Visiting a Masai Village
It was a bit of a fresh chilly afternoon and we were driving out of Talek Village. The roads were still wet and partially flooded from the previous days’ rain. The wind blew fresh in our faces and I was happy sitting next to Klaus who was feeling better as well. The previous weeks had […]
The story behind the new “Patriarch” images
Upon arriving at Tortilis safari camp in Amboseli National Park I had no previous knowledge of the infamous elephant bull named Tim. Klaus had repeatedly told me that the reason we came to Ambolseli was for the elephants.
Dear beautiful people, It has been eight months since the passing of Klaus Tiedge. Often I was asked if I am carrying on with the business and what is about to happen to all the artworks. I have good news for you! Klaus Tiedge artworks are still available to purchase.
Masai Mara Lion Brothers
We had crossed paths with three fairly young male lions numerous times over the last few weeks. Klaus was really interested in getting some images with them as they all looked incredibly healthy and strong.
5 Cheetah Brothers Hunting – Masai Mara
After nearly 3 weeks of non stop filming together with Klaus in Amboseli and the Masai Mara National Park, finally Sandra & the kids arrived to meet us. You will see some of the challenges in the film of our meet-up, but that didn’t interrupt our reunion. No time was waisted as we headed out into the park that evening for the first family safari.
Masai Mara Lions Safari with Klaus Tiedge
Klaus always said that he would spend most of his time in the Mara with lions. They provided him much joy but were also the core of his frustration.
Big Cat Morning in the Masai Mara
When you spend a month in the Masai Mara you will end up with loads and loads of footage. Klaus & I made sure that we were up and going from dark till dark every single day, filming everything from getting out of bed to eating dinner. But what it’s all really about is what happens during the day. This was one of those magical days we remember as the big cat morning.
Safari of my Life – Behind the Scenes – Episode 9
On a previous trip Klaus had a steel camera box made to capture images from the ground. On that trip they tried several times to get it to work, but technical problems with the remote trigger got in the way. John had kept it for Klaus and now was time to try it again.
Safari of my Life – Behind the Scenes – Episode 8
On our first day shooting out in the Masai Mara we were on a mission to find a pride of lions. The previous week in Amboseli was all dedicated to Elephants, but now was time for the big cats. That morning we found a beautiful pride dozing by a riverside. The cubs played in the morning sun as mom carefully watched over them. Klaus however was struggling with John’s new car.
Safari of my Life – Behind the Scenes – Episode 7
Our time in Amboseli National Park had finally come to an end. One last breakfast before heading off to the airstrip about 40min away. Everything was very still as we drove though the park as if recovering from the relentless rain, even passing by an abandoned safari car.
Safari of my Life – Behind the Scenes – Episode 6
We posted this video just before leaving Amboseli in March last year. Dean sat down to edit as Klaus went out on his own to finally focus on his photography. Up until this point it was all about the video and the footage.
In Loving Memory Klaus Tiedge
With deepest sadness and a heavy heart we are writing you these lines….
Klaus Tiedge passed away in the early hours of 1st July 2019 at his family home in Cape Town, South Africa.
Safari of My Life – Behind the Scenes – Episode 5
Getting stuck in the mud is part and parcel of a Safari Trip in Kenya. This time Amboseli National Park was wetter, greener and of course muddier than i’d ever seen it. Watch how we got stuck in the mud for almost 2 hours.
Safari of my Life – Behind the Scenes – Episode 4
We spent the first week in Elewana’s Camp Tortilis. A camp nestled on a hill overlooking Amboseli National Park & Mount Kilimanjaro. Besides including this camp in the film we also made a collection of videos for them. One of the stand out things about the camp is the exquisite service and hospitality provided by the staff.
Surfing at Muizenberg with my Kids
As a family, we decided to head down to the beach on the south side of Cape Town to play in the waves at Muizenberg. It’s been a little while now since my last safari trip, so I like to stay active and spend as much time having fun with my family. What better way than to go surfing?
Safari of my Life – Behind the Scenes – Episode 3
The 3rd of March 2018 – My Birthday, and the first Safari outing of this trip. I mean sure we had a little safari on our arrival, but this was a full day outing. The game plan: find elephants. We packed all our gear, packed some lunch and headed out into Amboseli National Park.
Fine Art Photography Paper and Printing
In this article we will look at the details of Klaus Tiedge’s Fine Art Printing Process. The series of African Wildlife photographic artworks “Pride of Africa” consists of over 80 fine art photographs which were captured in Southern and South East Africa (Namibia, Botswana and Kenya).
Each photograph is available on archival fine art paper in any of the offered five sizes / editions.
Safari of my Life – Behind the Scenes – Episode 2
It was finally time to leave. Months of planning concluded in a 3am wakeup and a drive to Cape Town International Airport. Sandra and I met up with Dean and Tamara for our last hugs and good bye kisses before checking in to our flight to Nairobi.
Wildlife Photography – A Collection of Short Videos
Almost 3 years ago I started my Youtube Channel with a series of very short videos to highlight some of the thoughts around my career as a Wildlife Photographer. Get some special insight into my love for photography and the African Continent.
What’s the difference between Limited Edition and Open Edition Prints?
Lovers or collectors of artwork can choose what they please from a vast amount of art available in the market. However, some knowledge of the various types of available artwork is essential so that a collector can get what he or she desires.
One very important piece of information that can guide this choice is the differences between the various types of artwork. This article highlights the difference between limited edition prints and open edition prints.
Solo Exhibition in Munich
10 Years ago, when Klaus Tiedge was still new to the wildlife photography scene, he walked into a gallery for fine art photography in Munich. He introduced himself to the owner as a new up and coming Wildlife Photographer. The owner smiled politely and said that is great news and he wishes him well.
Maasai Mara comes to Cape Town
Almost exactly one year after filming in the Maasai Mara with his Guide John Masek, Klaus Tiedge welcomes his long time friend into his home. From the real jungle to the urban jungle as it where. It was really great to be able to experience an exchange of worlds like this.
Klaus featured on SA Creatives
The SA Creatives website is a network in which people can read about the latest trends, news and be inspired by industry leaders in the creative arts. This wonderful article was written about Klaus and his work a little while back – but it was great to stumble upon it recently.
Saatchi Art – Klaus Tiedge
Klaus Tiedge and Saatchi Art have reached an agreement that will see the wildlife photographer’s work featured in a new article in June of 2019.
Remembering Lions Finalist Announcement
A couple of days ago I received the news that one of my images is on the list of finalists for the “Remembering Lions” wildlife campaign. Here is what was in that mail:
My Leopard Experiences
I have spent a lot of time searching for Leopards on my trips to Namibia and Kenya. Some of the most rewarding moments of my wildlife photography career, thus far, has been the patience to capture the perfect photograph of a Leopard.
Elephants of Amboseli
As a wildlife photographer, I have spent many days exploring beautiful creatures of nature. Here is some of the information and experiences I felt that are worth sharing about African Elephants.
Klaus Featured in Ndege News
This Article was written by and published in the Ndege News – The inflight magazine and website of the East African Airline. We would like to thank them for their publication and kind words.
Check out the New Instagram Layout
Well incase you didn’t know there is a trend on Instagram going round to split pictures into smaller squares and post them back to back creating a college. It may seem absurd and unnecessary but when you realise what it does for you profile you tart to enjoy it.
Lion pictures photo gallery by Klaus Tiedge
When I’m on a photo safari, Lions are the animals I spend the most time with by far. This is for many reasons but the main one is that it’s hard to to get a great shot of a lion. They are the laziest creatures on earth, well at daytime at-least anyway.
Cheetah Images
I have spent a lot of time with Cheetahs on my trips to Namibia and Kenya. Some of the best highlights of my wildlife photography career, thus far, have involved cheetahs and quite often cheetah cubs.
Image of the Month March 2019
Striking artwork showing a group of lioness returning from their unsuccessful hunt. As they are walking up towards the viewer and being captured at a low angle they are almost feeling real while you can look into their eyes.
Weihnachten in Wangen statt Safari in Kenya
During our latest trip to Germany where we spent some valuable family time in a small in in Southern Germany over Christmas, the local newspaper wrote a very nice article about me as a wildlife photographer and the connection to Wangen im Allgäu. The text is unfortunately in German only.
Image of the month February 2019
The photograph “Duo 2” is part of my “Pride of Africa Collection™” and can be purchased as an original, limited edition fine art print which is personally numbered and signed by myself, Klaus Tiedge, and will be accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity and the Story about the image.
Image of the Month January 2019
As we could not cross the Talek River yesterday due to a heavy down pour and the river to swell so quickly and high, we had to think about alternative accommodation. Luckily we could arrange accommodation at last minute at one of the Safari Lodges on this side of the river. They only could accommodate me in their staff quarter, as they were fully booked.
Jambo 2019 – A great year ahead
It will soon have been a year since we went to Kenya to make the Film. This year we will be premiering the film for the first time. More on this in February 2019. Have you seen the Trailer?
The film covers the subject of my diagnosis with cancer and the desire to keep pushing myself. I hope that this film will help inspire others in my position to keep fighting, the way I am.
Finding inspiration in wildlife photography
Klaus Tiedge, wildlife fine art photographer living in Cape Town, South Africa, explains in a short interview about finding inspiration as a photographer and shares his view about if there is there such thing like a “lucky shot”.
The Masai Mara Weather – A Wet Kenyan Safari
AH! The Masai Mara weather can be quite unpredictable. But, in the Rainy Season you can still find your groove. This has got to be one of my favourite times of the year in the Mara. March April May are considered by many the worst time of the year as this is the peak of […]
How do you develop your Photography Style?
Klaus goes on to explain that a very important aspect of his Wildlife photography style is to capture the environment. Another point is that people all assume that Wildlife photography is about having long lenses, but the more experience you gain the better you become at seeking moment with close up situations.
Staying at the top of Africa – Angama Mara
After 3 weeks of of intense safari photography & videograpghy it was time to slow down and relax. With my family now having joined me in the Maasai Mara we made our way for a weeks stay at the incredible Angama Mara Lodge. I had stayed at Angama 2 years previously and was so excited to be able to share this magnificent experience with my wife and children.
Image of the Month December
Each month we will be showcasing one of our most popular prints. For the duration of the month there is a promotion giving you 15% discount on this particular print. See the…
Visiting Safari Live in Maasai Mara
While enjoying the bonfire and the sunset at one of at Angama Mara’s famous Boma BBQs in the Masai Mara, Kenya, I was introduced to the presenters Scott & Jamie from Safari Live. They invited me & my family to come over to their Safari Live headquarters to have a sneak peek into their operation.
Living with the Khoi San (Bushmen) in Namibia
Come with me and experience behind the lens my visit to the traditional people of Namibia, the Khoi San (aka the Bushmen). I shared some quality time…
Christmas Specials 2018
Can you believe it? Christmas is around the corner again. And in light of the Festive Season ahead a great selection of African Wildlife…
Tipilikwani Bush Camp
Our Stay at Tipilikwani Lodge was short, but amazing nonetheless. After almost 3 weeks of being on Safari it was time for my family to join me in Kenya. They flew in the previous night…
Through the lens – Premier Magazine
I feel very grateful for one of my images chosen as the front cover of the Premier Magazine of TCB Media in the month of April 2018. Thank you TCB Media…
Image of the Month November
Each month we will be showcasing one of our most popular prints. For the duration of the month there is a promotion giving you 15% discount on this particular print. See the…
Revisiting the Pride of Africa Locations in Kenya
On my 2018 photo-safari trip to Kenya I revisited some of the sites where certain photographs were captured which form now part of my limited edition collection Pride of Africa™ . Watch here…
Quality and Originality of Limited Edition Prints
Klaus Tiedge, professional wildlife fine art photographer from Cape Town, South Africa, explains the quality and originality of his unique photographic fine art prints. “I take pride in the quality & originality
Mara Ngenche – Where the great rivers meet
During my photo-safari in Kenya, we stayed at this authentic and beautiful camp in the Masai Mara, Mara Ngenche. When not busy taking photographs in the bush, I and Dean Paarman, who accompanied me on
Open Edition prints – affordable artworks
I am offering two different type of editions for my photography prints: Limited Edition Prints and Open Edition Prints The Pride of Africa Collection in my portfolio of wildlife photographs are a series of high…
Image of the Month October
Each month we will be showcasing one of our most popular prints. For the duration of the month there is a promotion giving you 15% discount on this particular print. See the…
What Camera Gear do you use?
So often people ask me what gear I use. I’d like to share a quote by Annie Leibovitz that embodies my thoughts on the subject. She said: “If thats what you…
Visiting the Mara Elephant Project
During my travels to Kenya earlier this year and while I was staying at Angama Mara, Tyler Davis, (Angama’s Regional Director) invited me to join together with their in-house photographer Adam Bannister on a visit…
The Leopard – Beautiful but Shy
To me, wildlife photographer Klaus Tiedge, the the leopard is the most difficult animal to capture; but it is also the most beautiful cat in the African wild.…
Klaus Tiedge The Official Documentary Trailer
About ten years ago I made a big shift in my career as a fashion and advertising photographer to pursue my passion of travelling and capturing the beauty of my new home, Africa. I have…
Staying at Tortilis Safari Camp, Amboseli, Kenya
The first camp we stayed at on my March 2018 trip to Kenya was Elewana’s Camp Tortilis in Amboseli National Park. Amboseli lies in the south of Kenya on the boarder to Tanzania and more…
Image of the Month September
Each month we will be showcasing one of our most popular prints. For the duration of the month there is a promotion giving you 15% discount on this particular print. See the…
Preparing to make a Film in Kenya
During my recovery from an intense operation and chemotherapy I made a promise to myself that I would go back to Kenya to continue my work as a wildlife photographer as soon…
Image of the Month August
While cruising on the Chobe River in Botswana on a little boat I couldn’t help but feel like i was in some fairytale like the Jungle Book. Thick, lush vegetation made it…
Top 10 Wildlife Photography Tips
On his most recent trip to the Maasai Mara, Klaus Tiedge took some time to focus on his top 10 Photography Tips for budding wildlife photographers. These are practical pieces of advice that are easy…
My experiences – returning from safari in Kenya
I have just returned from my four-week photo safari in Kenya. What an incredible experience it was! Most of it has all been documented on video…
Safari in Kenya – Amboseli highlights
Klaus is having great success in his first leg of his trip to Kenya. In the video Klaus is very excited to share with you the highlights of his week in…
Klaus Tiedge – Trip to Kenya
After a long break due to my illness last year it is time to travel again. So my next photographic safari takes me back to Kenya in March. I am going…
Image of the month February
I took this image while on safari in Kenya, Masai Mara. I remember well, how close we were able to get to the pride of lions and for a while we watched the pure joy of…
My Time in Kenya
Angama Mara Lodge I’ve just returned from Kenya, and one of the highlights was my stay at the Angama Mara Lodge. In partnership with Opulent Living Travel we are working on…
Klaus Tiedge in Kenya: An Inspiration
I first visited Kenya and the Masai Mara in 2011. My dream to be a wildlife fine art photographer had just begun to come to fruition, and I was supported and motivated by Martin Osner,…
Exciting New Format Photographs
Four years in the making and the Pride of Africa Collection continues to evolve into an impressive showcase of African wildlife imagery. Having just returned from Kenya, we met with…
3rd Solo Exhibition in Cape Town
The whole Cape Quarter Piazza in Greenpoint was turned into an African experience with open fires and African food from the barbecue/braai and Marimba music added to this special ambience.…
Feature in Beyond The Lens Photography
This article was featured in Beyond The Lens Photography Magazine. It takes a look at Klaus’s connection to Africa and discusses his wildlife Photography.…
Meet The Artist Hamburg, Germany
In May Klaus visited our representing gallery in Hamburg – Tantus Photo Galerie. At an casual atmosphere Klaus talked to an invited audience about his photographs on display; especially how they were captured and what challenges are sometimes to be faced in the wild. It was an interesting and enjoyable evening for all. It was […]
Feature in Home Magazine
INSPIRATION German-born Klaus spent more than 20 years in the commercial world before deciding to pursue his passion for fine art photography. He isn’t your typical wildlife photographer, with the animals playing as important a role in the image as the environment they’re captured in. But it is his portrayal of people that is most […]
Photosafari with family in Namibia
In mid June we took off to our three week photo safari throughout Namibia. Klaus has had visited the country several times over the past years to use its fascinating landscapes as the backdrop of his photographic collections. This time the journey was a bit of a different nature. The challenge: taking the family with […]
Charity and Meeting Born Free Founder
On 3rd of May 2013 we were invited to the charity auction that concluded the project “Pride of Cape Town“, initiated by the Born Free Foundation and Wild in Art Project. Held at the Moyo restaurant at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town the action featured special guest speaker Virginia McKenna, founder of Born Free […]
Feature in Racehorse Magazine
Born in Germany, Klaus Tiedge has been a prominent figure in the field of commercial photography for more than 20 years, having worked in numerous countries including India, Japan, Brazil and the USA. In 2001 Klaus moved to South Africa and settled down in Cape Town taking full advantage of the a thriving fashion and […]
Annual Report Lewa 2011
Lewa Conservancy The photos on this report, the front and back covers were donated by photographer Klaus Tiedge. German-born Klaus has been a prominent figure in the field of commercial photography for more than 20 years. In 2008 he pursued his passion for fine art photography and spent several years capturing the beauty and […]